Thursday, September 3, 2009

Will Juliette survive Jaxon?

Look at the happy family. Juliette was only hours old. She had already had the shock of her life. Poor thing was, like all of us, forced one way or another out of a perflectly cozy, warm, dark and happy existance. She has yet to encounter to the full extent, the real shock of her life -- Jaxon.

Poor thing is now five weeks old and the stories are piling up like the clean laundry at the foot of my bed - and rocking chair - and dresser (really, who has time to fold?) Jaxon is really a precious 2 year old. But poor sweet baby Juliette, she has no understanding of why she gets randomly turned upsidedown in her car seat. Or gets small round objects with interesting flavor shoved in her mouth (they're cheerios, honey) Or gets popsicle sticks stuck down her throat. Jaxon: "say, ahhhh. I'm the doctor, Mommy!" Or gets her face scratched while being scrubbed with a Clorox wet wipe. Or gets carried across the room and dropped in front of the t.v. (perhaps some sort of ritual sacrifice to the Magic Man that puts shows inside the big box?)

I keep reminding myself that little sisters survive all around the world everyday. She too, will navigate through the dangers and surprises that we all enounter with Jax. He is who he is, and we love him for it!!! It may, however, take sweet Juliette longer to arrive to that conclusion.

1 comment:

jules said...

Kristina you do have such a beautiful family. I love hear all the stories about Jax, and his wondeful offerings of help,and love to Juliette. Your post,and blogs often bring smiles to me.